Tag: writers’ journal

A Writers Notebook

A Writers Notebook


A writers’ notebook is a notebook, or journal that a writer carries with them everywhere they go. Not every writer has one, and some writers think that they encourage bad writing while others find them to be valuable tools for their writing. I personally keep one that I so lovingly call my Blurgal. A made-up word I found online years ago on a different blog I wish I could remember the name of.


Well, you don’t have to. Writing is a very personal experience, and only you know what works and what doesn’t work for you. I personally keep one because I get ideas for the stories I am working on at the most random of times. When this used to happen, before I kept a blurgal I would rush around trying to find anything to write with and on. Sometimes I would end up losing whatever thought had come into my head before I could write it down. It used to frustrate me so much, because when I went to go write again I knew I was missing something, but couldn’t remember what it was.
Other people, like Stephen King, don’t like writers’ notebooks. They think it’s a good way to get out bad ideas. That the good ideas stay in your head and brew for a period of time before you decide whether you use it in your story or not. I can see where they are coming from, but that style of writing just doesn’t work for me. The way we write and keep track of ideas is different for everybody, and that’s okay. Different is good.


That is completely up to you! You can have it filled with blank pages to let your creativity fly, or lined pages to help keep you on track. A fancy journal, or an eighty-cent notebook. Maybe you only write in it, or maybe you stick pictures, magazine articles, or inspirational trinkets in it. As with most things in writing, just find what works for you, and go with it.

I personally like lined paper journals. I usually get one around Christmas time, and by the same time next year it is filled with notes written on napkins, and scraps of paper (because even though I try to bring it with me everywhere sometimes I forget it, or don’t feel comfortable pulling out my messy, over-used notebook in that situation.). What I write in it completely depends what I am currently writing, and how much time I have. I write ideas for new stories, random bits of dialogue, ideas for characters, or random words that I need to decipher the next time I sit down to read it. It gets really messy to say the least. It never fails to keep my writing moving forward or inspire me though, so I consider it a success every year.

I’ve seen writers’ notebooks online where the writer has the first few pages filled with writing prompts or inspiration. Then a section for lists of books they’ve read, or lists things they need to do for their writing. Lists in general honestly. Also, some people doodle when they think, so some of these notebooks look very artistic, or chaotic. It’s all in what helps you most, so don’t be afraid of writing down anything wrong. Your writers’ notebook is a sacred place for your creative ideas. Don’t flounder them with worry about wasting a page or writing something stupid.


Keeping a blurgal can be helpful to some, and a waste of time to others. There is no harm in trying it out though. Just don’t overthink how to use it. A blurgal is a creative tool to help you on your writers’ journey, whether it’s used for helping you keep track of ideas, or as a journal to clear your mind. It’s yours and yours only.

I hope this post has helped a few people out there. If you can’t figure out what to write as your first blurgal entry, try using the writing prompt below to help you get started! Have a great weekend, everyone. Happy writing!